Monday, March 06, 2006


How come Serenity didn't get Best Picture?

They weren't nominated for anything.

I'd say that alone makes the whole thing a farce.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers. Kick off your shoes, make yourself at home.


clay said...

I think Sereniry was blacklisted because it ticked off the whole tree-hugger crowd when River ate a bug during the running-from-the-Reavers chase scene. Damn PETA!

Jerry said...

Serenity isn't politically correct. You've got a woman who kicks ass against a nameless shrieking horde instead of being a victim, you've got a hero who doesn't agonize interminably over his decisions and a doctor who does the right things the first time, you've got an interracial couple that nobody makes a big deal over, you've got a hooker who isn't criticized for her lifestyle, and a cute woman who'd damn good with machinery.

And then there's "I'm going to my bunk" Jayne, who's pretty difficult to categorize.

So there's at least 6 reasons why it was ignored - any one of which would be the kiss of death in a regular film.

Dr. Sanity said...

I agree wholeheartedly.

boxingalcibiades said...

Because it wasn't that good.

Don't get me wrong, it was good... but it had way too many rough spots and transparent moments.

/also a fan

Harold said...

Don't forget Sahara - great movie, and Steve Zahn deserved Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of Al Giordino.

Robert said...

Russ - You're an infidel. Burn him!

Yeah, there were some rough spots. But still. It was MY favorite movie of the year.

Surely the Academy should be a mirror of my personal tastes! :P

Pandora Wilde said...

It'd be nice to think that the Oscars would reflect a list of what is LIKED, both as serious art and as popular cinema, but that's precisely why they blow goats.

I think Serenity should have popped up at least in technical categories.

blogagog said...

I think the goofy guy with all of the TV's ruined it for Serenity. He converted a solid movie into a Canadian quality sci-fi tv show (no offense intended Canadians, I enjoy them all).

Also, Glau didn't kill enough people and killed 0 with her brain (as suggested in the series). That was a big letdown.

I hope firefly gets another crack at a movie though. Teendous series.

CGrim said...

Serenity, Batman Begins, Sahara and The Island where my faves last year